Year of….
This year I'm doing a Year of Accomplishment, or starting small, A Quarter of Accomplishment, which doesn't sound as cool. But it's something I've mulled for a few days going into 2024. One of the fruits of the theme is I've finally finished reading a book I've struggled to finish.
Why is Email Marketing Important for your online store?
77% of marketers saw a marked increase in email engagement over the last 12 months. This has led increasing in sales.
Email marketing isn't going anywhere.
How to start a Podcast on a budget
You can start a podcast without breaking the bank.
Creation freeway
It used to be in order to have a radio, TV show, and/ or a published book people needed to approach producers and publishing houses. Today all you need is a camera, microphone, and an imagination because now people have platforms to publish their content.
The gatekeepers no longer run the asylum.
Taylor Swift and the future of music
Taylor Swift sure is killing it right now and to prove that, after writing To Apple, Love Taylor a post explaining why she won’t be putting her catalog in Apple Music
There’s a change a comin’ and it all starts with this tweet:
> Here's the awesome project
Tumblr, Hollywood, and the Second Screen
It’s no secret that Facebook’s is going after Google’s Display Ads, but there is third threat in this category, and no, it’s not Twitter.
It’s Tumblr.
Clearing the Cobwebs
It’s been four months since I last wrote here, its probably not the best idea to
call attention to
The Secrets of Habits and Toothpaste
Charles Duhigg discovered that 90% of our decisions are all based on our habits.
What is 3D Printing?
3D Printing is straight out of science fiction.