How to start a Podcast on a budget

Podcast has cycled back into popularity with the help of shows like Serial and Welcome to Nightvale.
But if you’re just hearing about ‘podcast’ for the first time and you’re looking at me in confusion asking: ‘what is a podcast?’
Look no further:
- a digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or portable media player, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
In the simplest form a podcast is a ‘radio show’ you can download or stream to your computer or phone.
Nowadays anyone can start a podcast of their own. Recently Maria of Maria Celina and I started our very own podcast called Seachanges.
You can start a podcast without breaking the bank.
Here are the tools we used to create Seachanges?
– A microphone.
Or in our case: a headset with a microphone. There are a lot of professional grade microphones you can use but if you just want to start, even the audio recorder in your phone can work.
If you do want to know which high quality microphone to buy Chase Reeves of Fizzle has an extensive High Quality Microphone Shootout.
We used Quicktime to record our conversation. I’m not sure what the equivalent is for Windows but on a Mac, Quicktime is already bundled in.
– Skype
We recorded the first few episodes together but since Maria lives in Indonesia (now in London!), Skype is really essential for us!
– Audacity
This is the free audio editing program Maria uses to edit the program. Did I mention Maria is the best?
– ccMixter
There are several places where you can use free music for you podcast, even Garage Band (if you’re on a mac) has some music you can use.
This is where our podcast is hosted. We haven’t gotten around to having it hosted in iTunes but Soundcloud is good because its free and aesthetically speaking? Pretty.
– Tumblr
Since we’re only just starting out Seachanges’ site is hosted on tumblr with an awesome theme Maria designed.
I think for a first effort Seachanges is okay, there is room for improvement but we’re all works in progress so I think that’s a good thing.
I really love the freedom of creating something without waiting for someone else’s permission. All we needed to do was show up and because I enjoyed making the podcast so much I will be starting a new podcast about creativity and entrepreneurship.
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I’ve also compiled a list of ‘how to start your own podcast’ resources below.
Will you be starting a podcast too? If you are, can you tell me what it will be about?
If you’re not but you want to, what’s stopping you?
How to make a podcast (and submit it to iTunes) by Justin Jackson
Know Everything About Podcasting by Jason Zook
Starting a podcast for people who don’t want their lives taken over by podcasting by Paul Jarvis
Irresistible Podcast Course by Adam Clark
19 Free Tools to Start Your Podcast from Scratch from Buffer